foreign policy

NFL Protests Unleash Wave of US Military Pride — Here’s What You’re So Proud Of

(ANTIMEDIA Op-ed) While millions of Americans throw temper tantrums over professional athletes exercising their freedom to kneel during a song — or, in the eyes of the outraged, to disrespect the military — a new report reveals that same military bombed a school and a crowded marketplace in March, killing dozens of civilians. The report was released Sunday, a day after Trump ignited the NFL hysteria.

North Korea Says Trump Has Declared War, Threatens to Shoot Down US Warplanes

On Saturday night, the President of the United States said North Korea “won’t be around much longer.”

(ANTIWAR.COM) — North Korea says that they are under the impression that the United States declared war on them over the weekend. This was based on a Saturday night Tweet, in which President Trump said of North Korea “they won’t be around much longer!”

Pakistan PM Abbasi puts up brave face at UN but will it matter in reality?

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