foreign policy

If America Wasn’t America, the United States Would Be Bombing It

(ANTIMEDIA Op-ed) — On January 8, 2018, former government advisor Edward Luttwak wrote an opinion piece for Foreign Policy titled “It’s Time to Bomb North Korea.” Luttwak’s thesis is relatively straightforward. There is a government out there that may very soon acquire nuclear-weapons capabilities, and this country cannot be trusted to responsibly handle such a stockpile. The responsibility to protect the […]

US Scorns Olympic Diplomacy, Pushes for North Korea’s Isolation

(ANTIWAR.COM) — The 2018 Winter Olympics have been a prime case for sports diplomacy, with North and South Korea making heavy diplomatic progress. Vice President Mike Pence is in South Korea trying to reassure reporters that this progress is illusory. “There is no daylight between the United States, the Republic of Korea, and Japan,” Pence insisted, saying […]

Time to Start Paying Attention: The US Just Bombed Russians in Syria

(ANTIMEDIA) — Pro-government forces in Syria attacked by the U.S.-led coalition on Wednesday included “Russian mercenaries,” according to a Pentagon official, CBS reports. If true, CBS notes, this incident would mark the first time a U.S. airstrike has killed Russians in Syria. Update: The Russian Defense Ministry, in a statement, said there were no Russian military personnel in that particular area. […]

US Casually Dismisses Fears of Wider War After Deadly Strike on Syria

(MEMO) — US Defense Secretary Jim Mattis dismissed concerns on Thursday that the United States was being dragged into a broader conflict in Syria, after a major clash with pro-Syrian government forces overnight that may have left 100 or more of them dead. The US-led coalition said it repelled an unprovoked attack near the Euphrates River by […]

The US and South Korea Now Openly Disagree on North Korea Diplomacy

(ANTIWAR.COM) — Weeks of diplomatic efforts with North Korea have the South Korean government upbeat, and presenting the Winter Olympics as the next step toward even better bilateral ties, and new opportunities to come. While the US had previously been loathe to publicly clash with South Korea about the matter, the fact that the diplomacy is ongoing […]

US Military Readies ‘Father of All Bombs’ for Use on North Korean Nuclear Facilities

(ANTIMEDIA) East Asia — With the mainstream media contemplating the significance of Kim Jong-un sending his sister to the Olympic Games in South Korea, as well as any messages found within the North’s military parade on Thursday, the larger question still looms: Will the current thaw in relations between the United States and North Korea last beyond the games in Pyeongchang? On Thursday, […]

Bipartisan Budget Deal to Avert Government Shutdown a Massive Gift to War Profiteers

“Throwing more money at the Pentagon,” one critic argued, “will only double down on the Trump administration’s violence-first approach to the challenges we face.” (COMMONDREAMS) Peace advocates are denouncing the new bipartisan budget deal, which was produced to prevent another government shutdown, because of an “outrageous” decision to boost military spending while education, infrastructure, an urgent renewable energy transition, […]