foreign policy

Afghanis Submit Over a Million Complaints of Crimes Against Humanity During Afghan War

(COMMONDREAMS) — International Criminal Court (ICC) judges are weighing over one million statements from Afghans who allege they are victims of war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by actors in the armed conflict there, including Afghan forces, the Taliban, the CIA, and the U.S. military. The victims began submitting their statements to the ICC judges in late November […]

UN: Over 10,000 Afghan Civilian Casualties in 2017

(ANTIWAR.COM) — The UN has offered their official accounting of Afghan civilian casualties in 2017 on Thursday, with more than 10,000 casualties including 3,438 killed, and 7,015 wounded. The overall toll was 9% lower than the previous year. The decrease was mostly the result of fewer civilian deaths in the course of ground combat, likely because the fighting […]

Nobody Wants to Admit to the Real Reasons Behind American Mass Shootings

(ANTIMEDIA Op-ed) Parkland, FL — There was “mass casualty event” at an American high school yesterday that took the lives of 17 students, and I’m unfortunately not surprised at this point. Mass shootings have become commonplace in America as of late, and after every one of them, the political blame game spins round and round, even before we send […]

US Calls on Iran to Withdraw Its Forces From Syria

(MEMO) — US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson yesterday called on Iran to withdraw its troops and allied militia from Syria. “We are quite concerned about the recent incident involving Israel and Iranian assets inside of Syria. And I think this again illustrates why Iran’s presence in Syria is only destabilizing to the region,” Tillerson said during […]

Increasing US Hostility Brings Turkey, Russia, and Iran Together for Syria Summit

(ANTIWAR.COM) — The leadership of Turkey, Iran, and Russia have all agreed to attend an upcoming summit in Istanbul on the topic of Syria, with the date for the meeting to be decided soon. Looming large over this is US relations. Those three nations have met in the past on trying to get a peace process going […]