foreign policy

Gina Haspel Oversaw Brutal Torture at CIA Black Site, Then Destroyed the Evidence

(SP) — President Donald Trump nominated CIA Deputy Director Gina Haspel to succeed Mike Pompeo as director of the agency. Haspel was briefly in charge of a black site prison and helped destroy evidence to cover up torture. The possible promotion is but another consequence of the failure and refusal among President Barack Obama’s administration and the […]

Experts Warn Pick of Mike Pompeo Increases Odds of US Attacking Iran

(COMMONDREAMS) — For all the reasons to be concerned about President Trump’s nomination of current CIA director Mike Pompeo to replace Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State, experts on Tuesday warn that an increase risk of a U.S.-initiated war with Iran should be at the top of the list. In case you are wondering why Rex Tillerson […]

Trump Picks an ‘Actual Torturer’ to Run the CIA

“If Obama had allowed prosecutions over CIA torture, ‘people like Haspel, quite plausibly, could have gone to prison.’ Instead, she’s going to run the CIA.” (COMMONDREAMS) Human rights advocates are expressing outrage on Tuesday after President Donald Trump nominated deputy director Gina Haspel—”an actual torturer“—to be the next CIA director despite her leading role in running an agency black […]

Russia Threatens Military Action Against US If Washington Strikes Syria

(ZHE) — While mystery still surrounds the statement by now-former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson who on Monday – when he already knew he was fired – said that Moscow is “clearly” behind the poisoning of Russian double-agent Skripal in the UK and that the Russian action would “trigger a response”, and whether this was a tacit defiance of Trump as […]

US Threatens New Military Action Against Syria Over Eastern Ghouta

(ANTIWAR.COM) — US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley has demanded that the UN Security Council immediately declare a 30-day ceasefire across Eastern Ghouta and the rest of metro Damascus, and is threatening to attack Syria if this doesn’t happen. Eastern Ghouta is the last rebel-held area around Damascus, but over the past several weeks, the Syrian […]

In Syria, Media Hypes Enemy Crimes and Ignores Ally’s Atrocities

(ANTIMEDIA Op-ed) — While the media decries the Syrian government’s alleged actions in Eastern Ghouta, governments and media institutions across the globe continue to turn a blind eye to the mounting evidence that a NATO ally is committing mass murder on a scale equal to that of the Syrian regime – in Syrian territory. Approximately seven weeks ago, Turkey invaded the Syrian […]

With Little Public Debate, Trump Continues Escalation of Longest War in US History

(ANTIWAR.COM) — The longest war in US history, the American occupation in Afghanistan, now well over 16 years long, has often been called a ‘forgotten war.’ It may be fair to do so again, as the ongoing escalations are barely noticed, and not debated. Senate hearings on America’s various wars over the past week covered a wide […]