foreign policy

PRESS RELEASE: Women’s March on the Pentagon

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Press Contact: Cindy Sheehan Email: PRESS RELEASE: WOMEN’S MARCH ON THE PENTAGON In direct response to ongoing military aggression and mind boggling increases in military funding that pass with bipartisan support in the United States, as well as the absence of the issue of war in the popular Women’s Marches held in […]

Return of the Neocons: Mike Pompeo and the Death of Diplomacy

(ANTIWAR.COM) — Secretary Tillerson was far from an ideal choice, but his anointed successor at the State Department – Mike Pompeo – may ditch diplomacy all together and start a war! We both attended West Point. That’s where the commonalities end. I’ve been a soldier opposed to (endless) war; he’ll be a statesman opposed to peace. That […]

Global Stability Rapidly Declining as US Positions for New War With Russia

(ANTIWAR.COM) — The Trump Administration’s hesitance to impose new rounds of sanctions against Russia every so often on any flimsy pretext has fueled a lot of anger among hawkish Congressmen. The indications are that this may be changing. On Thursday, the US imposed some new sanctions against Russia, and also issued a condemnation, blaming them for discredited […]

With the CIA’s Mike Pompeo Now in Charge of US Foreign Policy, Anything Is Possible

(MEMO Op-ed) — The appointment of Mike Pompeo as the new US Secretary of State by Donald Trump will not signal a change in Washington’s Middle East policy. It doesn’t mean that America will no longer endorse the alliance between the Saudi and Israeli governments. Nor does it, despite Donald Trump’s admiration, mean that America will switch […]

Rand Paul to Oppose Trump’s CIA and State Department Nominees

(TIM) — Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), who sits on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, announced on Wednesday that he would oppose President Trump’s nominees to head the State Department and CIA, potentially impeding their path to Senate confirmation. “I will oppose both Pompeo’s nomination and Haspel’s nomination,” Paul said. Senator Paul Press Conference on Secretary of State and CIA […]

US to UN: World Must Punish Russia, or They’ll Use Chemical Weapons in NYC Next

(ANTIWAR.COM) — Most people may not draw an immediate connection between Salisbury and New York City.  US Ambassador Nikki Haley sees a direct route from the one to the other as part of a Russian chemical weapons plot for which no real evidence exists. Speaking at an “emergency” UN Security Council session, Haley demanded “immediate, concrete […]