foreign policy

The Media Lost Its Sh*t Over the Possibility of US Troops Leaving Syria

(FAIR) At a rally in Cleveland last week, President Donald Trump said that the US will get out of Syria “very soon.” It is now clear that the 4,000 US troops currently occupying Syria (Washington Post, 10/31/17) will in fact stay in Syria (Independent, 4/4/18), even though keeping troops in another country in defiance of that country’s government […]

Trump Wants to Know Why US Drone Strikes Are Trying to Avoid Killing Civilians

(ANTIMEDIA) — On the 2016 campaign trail, President Donald J. Trump famously stated he would not only bomb the sh*t out of ISIS’ oil fields but that he would also kill the terrorists’ families. “We’re fighting a very politically correct war,” Trump said at the time. “And the other thing with the terrorists — you have to take out their families. When you get […]

America’s Looming War With Venezuela: What You’re Not Being Told

(ANTIMEDIA) — Countries that don’t eagerly follow the U.S.-led global order make prime targets for American-led invasions, particularly when those countries challenge the status of the U.S. dollar. Right now, Venezuela is one of these countries. Venezuela sits on the world’s largest oil reserves, and in order to free itself from what it calls the “tyranny of the U.S. dollar” in maximizing its potential […]

In Letter to CEO, 1000s of Google Employees Revolt Against Military Drone Project

(ANTIMEDIA) — Google made headlines last month when it was announced it was partnering with the Pentagon to develop artificial intelligence for use in drones flown over war zones. The move divided the company, and this week, internal documentation of that conflict became available to the public in a petition signed by thousands of employees to the company’s CEO, Sundar […]

Saudi Crown Prince: Israel Has ‘Right’ to Homeland

In an interview with the Atlantic, Mohammed bin Salman says “Palestinians and the Israelis have the right to have their own land.” (MEE) The crown prince and de facto leader of Saudi Arabia said Israel has a “right” to a homeland, a notable shift in the kingdom’s position, as outlined in an interview with The Atlantic’s […]

France Risks War With Fellow NATO Member Turkey in Effort to Prop up Syrian Rebels

(ANTIMEDIA Op-ed) — U.S. President Donald Trump’s recent surprise announcement that he plans to withdraw the United States military from Syria “very soon” and that he will let “the other people take care of it now” may be more telling of what’s to come than the mainstream media would have us believe. The indication that Trump may let the “other […]

Israeli Bombs Are Raining Down on Gaza and Nobody’s Talking About It

(MPN Analysis) With close to zero media coverage, particularly any analysis that is critical of the Israeli government and its policies, Israel has continued to pound the Gaza Strip with air strikes since the beginning of this year. In a separate report, MintPress News has documented the various human-rights abuses that Israel has unleashed on the Palestinian people in […]