foreign policy

World Leaders Condemn Attack on Syria as US Threatens Additional Airstrikes

(CD) — As foreign policy experts denounced the missile strikes ordered by President Donald Trump Friday night, U.S. ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley further troubled critics on Saturday when she warned that the U.S. is prepared to attack the war-torn country again. “I spoke to the US president this morning and he said that if the Syrian regime uses this […]

Trump Bombs Syria, Violating Domestic and International Law

(CD) — Foreign policy experts, human rights groups, and anti-war activists all immediately and forcefully condemned the U.S. bombardment of Syria on Friday night after reports indicated the “illegal” attack on the sovereign Middle East nation had begun and President Donald Trump announced in a national address that he had ordered the strikes alongside French and U.K. […]

US Intelligence Veterans Urge Trump to Seek Evidence Before Attacking Syria

(CN) — In this memo to the White House, the Veteran Intelligence Professions for Sanity urge President Trump to get the evidence first before deciding to strike Syria. MEMORANDUM FOR: The President FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity SUBJECT: Evidence Required for Military Decision on Syria Mr. President, We the undersigned Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity join a […]

Pompeo Openly Brags About US Killing Hundreds of Russians in Syria

(ANTIMEDIA) — U.S. President Trump’s nominee to replace Rex Tillerson as secretary of state confirmed on Thursday that “a couple hundred Russians were killed by U.S. forces in Syria not too long ago,” TIME reports. Mike Pompeo, currently still serving as director of the CIA, offered this confirmation in response to questions from the Senate Foreign Relations Committee about […]

As if Russia Weren’t Enough, Bolton Apparently Wants to Take on China, Too

(ANTIMEDIA) — Hyping the threat of John Bolton’s recent appointment as national security advisor may prove completely justified, according to the South China Morning Post (SCMP). According to SCMP, two former senior U.S. officials told the outlet that Bolton is willing to risk a military conflict with China to achieve U.S. President Donald Trump’s goals for the United States. From SCMP: “John […]

Mattis and Bolton Feud Over Syria Strike as Assad Evacuates Weapons

(ZHE) — The latest reports rolling in from Syria suggest that both the Assad regime and Hezbollah have evacuated weapons from likely targets, after CNBC revealed that the U.S. has selected 8 targets to strike, including two airfields, a research center and an alleged chemical weapons facility – after US officials told a reporter they were “fairly confident” the Syrian […]

Ron Paul: Assad Gassing His Own People Is “Total Nonsense”

(TIM) — Former Congressman Ron Paul has strongly argued following the alleged chemical gas attack blamed on the Syrian government that it makes no logical sense for Assad to order a gas attack, and has called the accusations a telltale sign of a false flag attack meant to provide justification for the U.S. military to maintain a […]

Jimmy Carter Just Issued a Chilling Warning to Donald Trump About Syria

(CD) — Former President Jimmy Carter has added his voice to those urging President Donald Trump to refrain from launching an illegal military attack on Syria, warning of the serious dangers—including nuclear conflagration—that could result. “I pray that he would keep our country at peace and not exaggerate or exacerbate the challenges that come up with North Korea, in Russia, […]

Before Attacking Syria, Let’s Remember the Last Country We ‘Liberated’ From an ‘Evil’ Dictator

(ANTIMEDIA Op-ed) — Following another alleged chemical weapons attack in Syria, U.S. government officials are continuing to ramp up their rhetoric against the Assad regime. Though President Trump campaigned on a platform of scaling back America’s penchant for nation-building — and previously scolded President Obama for attempting to intervene in Syria — his administration continues to insinuate […]

Major Papers Urge Trump to Kill Syrians, Risk World War III

(FAIR) — Western governments accuse the Syrian government of carrying out a chemical weapon attack in Douma, a suburb of Damascus. The World Health Organization says that, of 70 deceased persons they examined in the area, 43 had signs of being exposed to “highly toxic chemicals,” though whether the government carried out the attack has not been […]