foreign policy

Saudi Arabia Offers to Deploy Troops to Syria in Support of Illegal US Intervention

(MEE) — Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir reaffirmed on Tuesday the kingdom’s willingness to deploy troops to Syria as part of US-led efforts to stabilize the conflict-torn country. Speaking at a press conference alongside UN chief Antonio Guterres, Al-Jubeir said that Riyadh had held previous discussions with America to deploy troops in Syria after the civil war […]

Average American Taxpayer Sent $3,456 to the Pentagon Last Year

(CD) — As Americans rushed to pay their taxes on Tuesday before the official deadline, peace groups reminded the public of the uncomfortable fact that an “astronomical amount” of the money sent to the IRS each year goes not to funding education or a single-payer healthcare system the U.S. supposedly can’t afford, but straight into the bloated coffers […]

Thousands of US Troops Amass on Syria’s Border in Jordan for Military Drill

(ANTIMEDIA) — In what can only be described as a remarkable coincidence, thousands of U.S. Marines arrived in Jordan at around the same time the U.S., U.K., and France were organizing a direct military strike on Jordan’s neighbor, Syria. According to the Marine Corps Times, nearly 3,600 U.S. troops, including roughly 1,800 Marines with the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit, arrived in […]

Trump’s Disastrous Syria Attack Just Created a Big, Fat Mess

(RPI) — Over the weekend, President Trump celebrated firing more than 100 missiles into Syria by Tweeting, “Mission Accomplished!” They say if you cannot learn from history you are condemned to repeat it. So I guess we are repeating it. We all remember that “Mission Accomplished” was the banner behind then-President Bush as he gloated aboard a […]

7 Questions About the Syria Airstrikes That Aren’t Being Asked

The national security establishment and the corporate media have been promoting a confrontational approach, but they’ve been unable to explain how that would lead to a better outcome for the US or the world. (CD) — “Mission accomplished,” says the President. What, exactly, was the mission? And what exactly was accomplished? Donald Trump is being mocked for […]

Watch: Russia Predicted a Fake Chemical Attack, US Response Before It Happened

(TFC) – Sometimes bizarre claims by foreign governments are so shocking they are dismissed and never thought of again. But what happens when the events predicted occur exactly as described? A stub of an article published by Reuters on March 13, 2018, almost a month before the purported chemical attack in Ghouta, reads: “Russia said […]

China Slams US ‘Arrogance’ in Syria Strike, Backs Russia

(ZHE) While the lack of retaliation by Russia to Trump’s Friday night Syrian airstrikes surprised some, Russia defended its stance of shrugging in response (and not escalating to full blown world war), by asserting that Soviet-made missiles intercepted more than half of the 105 cruise missiles fired at three Syrian facilities (the Pentagon denied any missiles […]

Secret Saudi Cable Leaked: Overthrow the Syrian Gov’t, but Play Nice With Russia

(ZHE) — Hours after the overnight US-led missile strikes on Syria, WikiLeaks republished a crucially important diplomatic cable through its official media accounts confirming that Saudi Arabia’s long term strategy in Syria has been to pursue regime change “by all means available.” According to the leaked internal Saudi government document, this is the kingdom’s proposed end-goal even should the United States at […]