foreign policy

Despite Leaving Iran Deal, US Demands Nuclear Inspections Continue

(MEE) — The White House wants intrusive inspections of Iran’s nuclear sites to continue despite President Donald Trump’s withdrawal from a landmark accord on Tehran’s atomic programme, US officials told AFP. Days after the US president walked away from a three-year-old deal that mandated rigorous scrutiny of Iranian facilities, senior administration officials said monitoring should continue regardless. Known […]

Leaked Papers Reveal White House Planning ‘Regime Change’ in Iran

(ZHE) — It appears Rudy Giuliani wasn’t lying. Just a few days after the former NYC mayor and latest member of President Trump’s unexpectedly let it slip that “we got a president who is tough, who does not listen to the people who are naysayers, and a president who is committed to regime change [in Iran]”, the Washington Free Beacon has obtained a […]

Here’s the Message America Just Sent to North Korea by Nuking the Iran Deal

(ANTIMEDIA) — U.S. President Donald Trump’s recent decision to completely pull the plug on the 2015 Iranian nuclear accord, also known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), will likely have a major effect on the upcoming summit between North Korea and the United States. Even as the president was making his announcement, newly appointed Secretary […]

US Troops Create New Military Base in Syria, Despite Turkey Threatening to Attack

(ANTIWAR.COM) — According to Kurdish officials, US troops in the Syrian city of Manbij are setting up a new military base inside the city. The base is intended to house US troops as well as French troops that are presently in the city. Manbij was captured by the YPG in a US-backed offensive. Turkey objected to this, on the […]

That Time John Bolton Promised Regime Change in Iran Before 2019

In July of last year neoconservative death cultist John Bolton, now the National Security Advisor of the United States, gave a speech at the Grand Gathering of Iranians for Free Iran in which he openly called for regime change in Tehran. Bolton, who is so stupid, crazy and evil that he remains one of the only high-profile […]

Read Between the Lines: Trump Thinks He Can Start Bombing Iran Now

(RPI Op-ed) — Yesterday President Trump announced that he was canceling US participation in the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JPCOA) otherwise known as the Iran nuclear deal. The president’s assertions were ludicrous and factually incorrect, but the neocons who were no doubt behind the speech have never been all that wedded to the truth. It became obvious […]

UK, France, Germany Warn US Not to Block Them From Staying in Iran Nuclear Deal

(ANTIWAR.COM) — Britain, France, and Germany have issued statements following President Trump’s withdrawal from the P5+1 nuclear deal, warning the US that they must “avoid taking action which obstructs” the rest of the signatories from continuing with the Iran nuclear deal. Iran plans to stay in the deal, as do the other P4+1 nations. This involves substantial […]

Porkins Polcy Review episode 141 Exploitation of trauma and neocon psychology with Yuval Laor

This week I am joined by Yuval Laor of the Open Minds Foundation, and one of my co-hosts for Open Minds On Air. We discuss the neoconservative movement, the exploitation of trauma, and Israel. Yuval and I start off the conversation with the breaking news that Donald Trump has decided to pull the US out the Iran Nuclear Deal. We talk about what this means for America and the prospect of war with Iran. Yuval gives us his perspective of this as an Israeli-American, and how the public within Israel is reacting to the news.

Video: Did the US Really Stop Funding the White Helmets?

(TIM) — It was just hours after releasing our last Reality Check on the White Helmets that the news broke—reports that the State Department had ceased funding of the controversial group. But the reports lacked detail as to what funding is specifically being frozen, and the State Department isn’t going on the record. So is the U.S. […]

‘This Is How the Iran War Started’: Grave Warnings as US Ditches Nuclear Deal

“Today’s unnecessary, reckless, and dangerous actions by Donald Trump will endanger our national security, further isolate us from our allies, and increase the likelihood that we become trapped in another unnecessary and avoidable war.” (CD) — Anti-war advocates and foreign policy experts implored Americans to remember the speech President Donald Trump delivered on Tuesday announcing U.S. withdrawal […]