foreign policy

US Politicians Furious Trump is Trying to Make Peace with Russia

Pelosi: Weakness proves Russia has something on Trump. (ANTIWAR) Negotiations between President Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putinconcluded with a joint press conference. The comments by the two revealed, as expected, no major deals were reached, but that some fairly vague plans for improved cooperation were agreed upon. There were disagreements, with President Putin faulting Trump […]

US Airstrike Kills 54 Civilians in Syria in Push to Control Syrian Border

With the U.S. now unable to prevent Syrian government control of the Syria-Jordan border, Friday’s strikes are a sign that the U.S. effort to oust the Syrian government from Abu Kamal is likely to only grow stronger as its occupation of Syrian territory faces an uncertain future. (MPN) Around midnight on Friday, U.S.-led coalition warplanes in […]

Germans Actually Want US Troops to Get the Hell Out of Their Country

(MPN) — After over 70 years, Germans have apparently had enough of the U.S. troop presence in their country, the second largest presence of U.S. troops abroad after Japan. According to a YouGov poll conducted by Germany’s DPA news agency, 42% of Germans support a complete withdrawal of U.S. troops in the country with 37% of Germany wanting them to stay […]

Trump Tells NATO Countries to Double Military Spending

“Instead of worrying what other countries are spending on their militaries,” declared one critic, “the president should worry about the ways his own military wastes funds that could be used to solve problems at home.” (CD) One of the chief reasons that most European nations enjoy a higher standard of living and their residents annually express larger levels […]

US-North Korea Talks Are Already Falling Apart. Trump Is Blaming China.

(ANTIWAR.COM) — In his first move to address the struggles resulting from Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s North Korea visit, President Trump expressed confidence that Kim would continue to engage. At the same time, he suggested the problems in the talks might’ve been the result of China pressuring North Korea to change its position. Trump made the comments on […]

UAE and Qatar Officially Join the US War in Afghanistan

(MEMO) — Qatar and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) are to join the longest conflict in US history, by supporting the NATO-led coalition in Afghanistan. Abu Dhabi and Doha will be part of a multi-nation fight codenamed “Operation Resolute Support”, according to the Washington Post. Both Gulf countries will focus on training and advising Afghan forces. Official numbers […]

Iran and Syria: Why Regime Change in One Means Regime Change in Both

(CJ Opinion) — Probably the weirdest, dumbest, most annoying thing about writing on US foreign policy right now is the fact that regime change in Iran and regime change in Syria have been falsely spun into the illusion of two separate issues along partisan lines. People who are more aligned with America’s Democratic Party are a lot […]

This Is What War Propaganda Looks Like in the Age of Social Media

(CJ Opinion) — I’ve been noticing videos going viral the last few days, some with millions of views, about Muslim women bravely fighting to free themselves from oppression in the Middle East. The videos, curiously, are being shared enthusiastically by many Republicans and pro-Israel hawks, who aren’t traditionally the sort of crowd you see rallying to support the civil rights of […]

Trump Pushed for US Military Invasion of Venezuela: Report

(CD) — Surrounded by his top military aides in a White House meeting less than a year ago, the Associated Press on Wednesday reports that President Donald Trump wanted to know why the U.S. military couldn’t “just simply invade” the country of Venezuela. Based on the account of “a senior administration official familiar with what was said,” AP reports that the president’s comments […]

Lies and Double Standards: Jared Kushner’s Twisted Views on Palestine

(MEE Op-ed) — On 24 June, Jared Kushner, US President Donald Trump’s son in law and his point person on US Middle East relations, gave an interview to the London-based Al Quds Al Arabi website. After reading the interview it is difficult to escape a further sense of hopelessness about the prospect of a fair deal between the Israelis […]