foreign economic relations

American Advances, Indian and Chinese Money Force Sri Lanka into Difficult Choice

For several years now, there has been an intense phase of political and economic struggle between the United States and China. PRC claims to be the new major superpower and seeks to push America out of its traditional areas of influence, even in the most literal sense, such as through lucrative trade, massive credits and […]

Global Tourism and International Environment 2018-2019

It is 2020 and time for the world to sum up the outcomes of different economic sectors, including tourism. At first glance, the tourist industry does not appears to be an important part of the business sphere, unlike the sale of oil and weapons is. However, nowadays, there are hundreds of millions of tourists who not only pay transport companies for transfers but also spend considerable amounts of money in destinations they visit. As a result, the total sums involved are enormous.

The Coal Industry and its Future

Hydrocarbons are part of the foundation of modern civilization, and the production and sale of these natural resources is one of the most profitable businesses. It would be fair to say that any country with hydrocarbon deposits and a highly-developed mining industry can count them as major assets. These days however, some fossil fuels are valued less than others. The coal industry is currently going through a tough time.