Food Systems

Study: Carbon Footprint Of Lab-Grown Beef “Orders Of Magnitude” Worse Than Ranching

So, the Technocrat war on red meat and the ranchers who produce it, has nothing to do with CO2 after all. Fake meat production is "orders of magnitude" worse than traditional means of production, ie, ranches and farms. The war on CO2 is as fake as the fake meat produced in labs, and should be rejected for what it is: fraud.

John Kerry: Farm Confiscations ‘Not Off The Table’

Technocrats intend to control all food production in order to control populations. Why would governments confiscate farms? Just ask Netherlands. Since farms use nitrogen fertilizers to grow crops, and since nitrogen has been declared a harmful pollutant, confiscating farms is seen as a way to combat global warming. I can guarantee that Bill Gates' farming empire will not be one to be confiscated.

FDA Approves Gene-Edited Pigs For Human Consumption

The goal of the Technocrat/Transhuman cartel is to edit the DNA of all living species. WSU is leading the genetic modification rush to introduce GMO meat for human consumption. This article is full of misleading statements such as "Gene-editing is a modern, cutting-edge technology that works only within a species’ DNA and can make changes that could come about naturally or through traditional breeding practices."

Scientists: Meat Is Absolutely Crucial For Human Health

Scientists find that studies promoting an end to meat consumption in favor of vegetarian or insect consumption are fatally flawed and destructive to human health. Instead, meat has always been a staple of the human diet and societies that have little access to meat suffer huge health issues. Anti-meat rhetoric is nothing more than globalist propaganda to degrade the human population on planet earth.

Sri Lanka’s Collapse Over UN/WEF Ag Policies Should Be A Warning To The World

Stupid is as stupid does. Elitists at the World Economic Forum and the United Nations are forcing agriculture policies that will literally destroy global food production. Sri Lanka was destroyed when its former President summarily banned fertilizer and drove the nation into starvation and rebellion. Does anyone take a lesson from Sri Lanka? Apparently not.

Bill Gates Invested In Artificial Eggs Before Mysterious Egg Shortage and Price Hikes

Gates unnatural interest in food includes massive acreage of U.S. farmland, investments in artificial meat companies like Beyond Meat and now an artificial egg company that aims to replace real eggs laid by chickens. With food processing companies burning to the ground and chickens suddenly declining in egg laying, egg prices have gone though the roof. Coincidence?

Didn’t Take Long: Crushed Bug ‘Additive’ Being Fed To Kids Across The EU

In the wake of EU approval of two types of insects for human consumption, products are flooding the shelves of EU grocery stores. Now children are being fed meatless diets in order to save the world from flatulating bovines and resource-intensive ranchers. Some cultures in poorer areas of the world eat bugs mostly because they are poor and cannot afford other types of protein.

Lab-Grown Meat Moves Closer To American Dinner Plates

Why the unending push for lab-grown meat? Technocrats and Transhumanists are bent on getting delivery systems to the human body and food is a logical choice. The old adage, "you are what you eat" comes to mind. Lab-grown meat can be modified to include any life-altering material that might affect bodily systems. Naturally-grown meat is not accessible.

EU Approves House Crickets And Mealworms For Human Consumption

The insect craze is gaining steam in the EU. Any food may now contain insect protein as long as it is labeled as such, e.g., "insect biscuits" or "insect paste". Technocrats partly reason that insects take fewer resources to grow than other forms of agriculture like row crops and animal husbandry. Technocracy, of course, is a resource based economic system that prizes efficiency.