
National Standard Levels of Fluoride Still Cause Nervous System Damage to Children

For many countries, the allowable level of fluoride in drinking water is 1.5mg/l. This is an arbitrary number that has never been proven to be safe. In fact, even trace amounts of fluoride have been shown to be ‘a functional liability to the nervous system.’
The CDC states that the “EPA’s enforceable standard for fluoride in public water supplies is 4.0 milligrams per liter,” but this far exceeds any safe amount of fluoride that we should be drinking.

Bankrupt Detroit Still Paying For Fluoride – Even During Water Shut Down

As evidence and studies continue to mount against public water fluoridation, cities that continue to do so risk individual legal action for damages and human rights violations for force-medicating. In Detroit, after becoming the largest American city to file for bankruptcy, there is a move to quickly begin water shutoffs to “protect the city’s budget.” Yet there is still money to be found by the city to purchase hydrofluorosilicic acid (fluoride) from private companies to add to the water supply. In fact, it’s mandated by Detroit city ordinance: