flint michigan

Fake Right-wing Outrage ignores the Real

Right-wingers have adopted the outrage-machine over the last several decades, with the unceasing intention of dominating the media and influencing public opinion with a right-wing bias. The highly-funded choral and print network they have built is impressive and relentless at the same time. Almost all are petty, embellished or fabricated, but many imagined.
The really outrageous – most causing or involving death or injury — seem to be presented perfunctorily, fitted with “corporate lenses,” or consigned to more obscure treatment, even by mainstream media. Here is a small sample:

Media Bias Helps Promote Suffering

CBS’s 60 Minutes often provides important information about vulnerable and suffering Americans. Last Sunday, the program centered on billionaires sharing their wealth with the needy and forgotten people in some states deprived of health care, though the 60 Minutes segment doesn’t use the word deprived.
Where 60 Minutes fails in the health care segment involves not informing the audience about the real circumstances leading to the exclusion of health care services we all have a right to enjoy.

Suffer, Flint’s Children

It is quite shocking that no one from the Rick Snyder administration in Michigan is on trial, impeached or in jail for charges such as felony child endangerment. Such charges involve a person engaged in conduct that places a child in imminent danger of death, bodily injury, or physical or mental impairment. It is a charge that can involve an act or even an omission.