
Republicans Know They Can Always Count On DCCC Chair Steve Israel To Never Get The Balance Right

Looks like Sykes won't endorse Rick Scott after all, but he did switch partiesSouthern Democrats are trying desperately to figure out how to balance the electoral need to keep up enthusiasm from African-American voters while distancing themselves from President Obama who is extremely unpopular among instinctively racist Southern whites.

Did The Democrats Learn Anything From The Alex Sink Disaster In Florida?

Alex Sink may have been a mediocre candidate but Republican David Jolly wasn't any better. And Sink had the advantage of running in a blue-leaning district that Obama won against McCain in 2008 and against Romney in 2012… and that Bill Nelson won against Connie Mack in the 2012 Senate race. On top of that, Sink spent way more money-- $3,195,638 to his $1,616,137.

Republican Young Widow Rescued From Heartless GOP Indifference… By Nancy Pelosi

Bill and Beverly Young, tireless advocates for veteransRepublicans and their Hate Talk Radio echo chamber have worked for years and years to demonize Nancy Pelosi, the first woman Speaker of the House of Representatives, an accomplished political leader and icon every American should be proud of, regardless of disagreeing with her on some issues (as I do-- and as I am).

Florida Democratic Party-- A Picture Of Pitiful Dysfunction

May 2nd was the last day to file for federal office in Florida for 2014. Of the 16 congressional seats held by Republicans, 5 have no Democratic candidates at all. Many others have just vanity Democratic candidates or wild-eyed idealists with no real chance, but these are the 5 with no Democratic opponents:, along with the incumbents and the district PVIs:

Pelosi Should Appoint Only One Democrat To Trey Gowdy's Witch Hunt Committee: Alan Grayson

When a tiny handful of slime ball conservaDems like Kyrsten Sinema (AZ), Patrick Murphy (FL) and John Barrow (GA) conspired with the House Republicans to ramp up the politically and financially-motivated Benghazi witch hunt last week, I floated the idea of Pelosi doing the one thing better than boycotting it: just appointing a single Democrat to call out the GOP on their ugly partisan attacks. And who better than Oralndo truth teller Alan Grayson? Answer: no one.

Steve Israel Cedes Another Swing District To The Republicans Without A Fight-- This Time In Florida

Do you want to be in a party where corrupt scumbags like this call the shots?Rahm Emanuel loved recruiting Republicans to run for Congress as Democrats-- Republicans who would then join the Blue Dogs and New Dems and vote with the GOP on crucial legislation... until voters wised up and defeated them. Steve Israel, a pale shadow of Emanuel, likes doing that even more. And he just did it again.