FISA memo

Stunning evidence that FBI used a Yahoo article to obtain FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page (Video)

Controversial GOP FISA Memo states discredited Russia dossier was key to FBI’s FISA warrant to surveil members of Trump’s team.
The memo reveals that Trump campaign staffer Carter Pages was at the center of the FBI’s surveillance.
The FISA Memo also reveals that in order to corroborate the discredited Steele dossier, the FBI “extensively” cited a news article from Yahoo that was based entirely on the dossier.

Sara Carter reveals to Hannity that “special counsel to be called to investigate the investigators” (Video)

Gregg Jarrett, Sara Carter and Sebastian Gorka reacted to the release of the explosive and damning FISA memo.
Sara Carter revealed that her sources have told her that the best is yet to come, as the FISA Memo is only “10% of of what is coming”, stating that the investigation is now in reverse, as the entire Russiagate lie unravels at a rapid pace.

Former CIA Analyst of 27 Years: ‘Nunes Memo’ Reveals Felony Crimes at FBI and DOJ

(CN Op-ed) — The long-awaited House Intelligence Committee report made public today identifies current and former top officials of the FBI and the Department of Justice as guilty of the felony of misrepresenting evidence required to obtain a court warrant before surveilling American citizens. The target was candidate Donald Trump’s adviser Carter Page. The main points of what is […]

The GOP memo has been released – and it is as damning as promised

It must be all the cannabis that they are legally allowed to smoke in Washington, D.C. There has to simply be some sort of logical explanation for how a group of people involved in illegal activity launches an investigation into an opponent, when they must surely know this is going to blow up in their own faces.
Or, do they even know this, anymore.  Has the pot afflicted their brains so badly?

Breaking: Controversial FISA Memo Was Just Released — Here’s What It Says

(ZHE) —The just released FISA memo accuses senior officials at the DOJ of inappropriately using biased opposition research into then-candidate Trump to obtain surveillance warrants on transition team members as part of the federal investigation into the Trump campaign and Russia. According to the document, information from the the so-called Steele dossier was “essential” to the acquisition of surveillance […]

Trump blasts corrupt leadership at FBI and DOJ, moments before FISA Memo release

POTUS Trump has blasted the leadership of the FBI and the Justice Department, saying that they politicized “the sacred investigative process” in favor of Democrats and against Republicans.
Trump went on the attack this morning with two tweets referencing the imminent release of the FISA memo, saying that their political bias is “something which would have been unthinkable just a short time ago.”
Trump tweeted this morning…

Trump at end of SOTU, “Oh yeah, don’t worry, 100%” FISA memo will be released

US President Trump has managed to set another narrative as he left the House Chamber during the SOTU address.
Zerohedge reports that as Trump shook hands up the aisle after his SOTU address, Rep. Jeff Duncan called out to Trump, asking him “Let’s release the memo,” referring to the House Intelligence Committee’s FISA memo.
As the below video clip shows, Trump responded instantly: “Oh yeah, don’t worry, 100%.”

FISA memo forces Deputy FBI Director to leave agency immediately (Video)

According to Fox News FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was reportedly forced to step down before his announced “retirement” scheduled for March. 
Fox News reports that McCabe was “removed” from his post as deputy director, “leaving the bureau after months of conflict-of-interest complaints from Republicans including President Trump.”