financial crisis

‘Wolves of Wall Street in a Trumpster Paradise’ – By Dr. Leon Tressell…

 I recently spoke with Dr Leon Tressell, a historian of geopolitics and expert on the ‘bankster crime wave’. Instead of trying to summarise or repackage his material, I’ve decided – with his full permission – to fully reproduce the text of an article he recently published for SouthFront; it includes his interview with Helen Chaitman about the biggest […]

The Central Bank Power Shift from West to East, Game of Thrones Style

The Fed clings to status quo. Other central banks are vying to knock it down, or at least loosen its grip on them. But the Fed behaves as if it has no idea there are other powerful central banks that want to grab and harness its power. It carries on refusing to acknowledge that there may come a time, sooner rather than later, where its power is attacked.
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Can Trump succeed?

While the Atlantist Press persists in projecting onto Donald Trump the artificial debates that Hillary Clinton imposed during the campaign, and while the calls to assassinate the elected President multiply, Trump is preparing to change the paradigm, and overthrow the Puritan ideology that has dominated his country for two centuries. But can he succeed?
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Trump’s $1 Trillion Infrastructure Plan: Lincoln Had a Bolder Solution

In 1933, President Franklin Roosevelt boldly solved the problem of a chronic shortage of gold by taking the dollar off the gold standard domestically. President-elect Trump, who is nothing if not bold, can solve the nation’s funding problems by tapping the sovereign right of government to issue money for its infrastructure needs.
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Break Up the Democratic Party: It’s Time for the Clintons and Rubin to Go – and Soros Too

Democrats still seem amazed that voters are more concerned about economic conditions and resentment against Wall Street (no bankers jailed, few junk mortgages written down). It is a sign of their wrong path that party strategists are holding onto the same identity politics they have used since the 1960s to divide Americans into hyphenated special-interest groups.