
GOP War on Women Combines With GOP War On The Judiciary For Another Successful Filibuster

A few months ago, Senate Republicans agreed to start behaving and stop the ritual obstruction of all the president's judicial nominations. Basically, a handful of Republicans agreed they would help Democrats break the filibusters of routine nominees and only filibuster obviously really, really bad ones. A bunch of nominees got passed and then… the Republicans went back on the agreement.

Bad Day For The Gun Nuts

It was very close-- and dramatic, with at least one senator, Lisa Murkowski, changing her vote at the last second, and another, Heidi Heitkamp, flying in from a North Dakota sickbed while Harry Reid held the vote open-- but the Senate shut down the Republican/NRA filibuster of Todd Jones to head the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF). The GOP and NRA have managed to prevent the appointment of a director for 7 years!

Whether "Miss Mitch" McConnell is simply lying its head off or is actually mentally incompetent, it has become a clear-and-present danger to the Republic

Now that the slimeball Senate minority leader has abandoned even the pretense of any obligation to reality or truth, he really has become a danger to everyone in the KenNow that "Miss Mitch" McConnell has established itself as the most dishonest and incompetent creature ever to occupy a position of authority in the U.S.