Ron Paul: Here’s Why Government ‘Aid’ Only Makes Disasters Worse

(RPI) —  Texans affected by Hurricane Harvey, including my family and me, appreciate the outpouring of support from across the country. President Donald Trump has even pledged to donate one million dollars to relief efforts. These private donations will be much more valuable than the as much as 100 billion dollars the federal government is expected to spend on relief and recovery.

Harvey: Fierce Climate Change at Work

Is Harvey a force of nature or something more?
Clearly, Harvey is a natural disaster of monstrous proportions. Its destructiveness is the hottest topic on TV coast-to-coast and around the world. Still, cynics of climate change say natural disasters, like hurricanes, are normal and nothing more than nature’s way. The evidence, however, points in another direction; climate change is no longer simply nature doing its thing. It’s lost purity of the force of nature, only nature.

US govt running drill to simulate nuclear bomb detonation in New York

Operation “Gotham Shield” – a drill testing US government response to a nuclear detonation, commenced on April 18th, and is to run until May 5th.
Given the obvious false flag gas attack executed this month in Syria with complicity of the US deep state, any planned “exercise” involving a simulated weapon of mass destruction arouses suspicion and concern.
Here are the details of the test: