Federal Reserve

The 21st Century Greater Depression

I became interested in the question of how an organization whose business plan is theft can go bankrupt during the Enron debacle. I was well aware that many companies are forced into bankruptcy so that the executives can loot the pension plan and that this has been an accepted business practice for many decades; out of fashion now that there are no pension plans to loot.

The Financial System Is a Larger Threat than Terrorism

In the 21st century Americans have been distracted by the hyper-expensive “war on terror.” Trillions of dollars have been added to the taxpayers’ burden and many billions of dollars in profits to the military/security complex in order to combat insignificant foreign “threats,” such as the Taliban, that remain undefeated after 15 years. All this time the financial system, working hand-in-hand with policymakers, has done more damage to Americans than terrorists could possibly inflict.

Interview 1141 – Declare Your Independence with James Corbett

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2016-02-24%20Declare%20Your%20Independ…"][/audio]Today James joins Ernest Hancock for his regular bi-monthly appearance on "Declare Your Independence." Topics discussed include the hundred trillion dollar bankster climate swindle, the latest from Syria and how "The Big Short" almost got it right.

The Federal Reserve and the Global Fracture

In 2008 the Federal Reserve had a choice: It could save the economy, or it could save the banks. It might have used a fraction of what became the vast QE credit – for example $1 trillion – to pay off the bad mortgages and write them down. That would have helped save the economy from debt deflation. Instead, the Fed simply wanted to re-inflate the bubble, to save banks from having to suffer losses on their junk mortgages and other bad loans.