
My Financial Road Map For 2016

Happy New Year to All! May 2016 bring peace to you and your loved ones.
Over the holidays, I had the opportunity to stay away from airports and hike Runyon Canyon with my dogs. For those of you that have never traversed Runyon’s peaks and dips, they are nature’s respite from the urban streets of Los Angeles, yet located in the heart of the City of Angels. It’s a place in which to observe, reflect, and think about what’s coming ahead.

Flashback: Alan Greenspan didn’t say the Federal Reserve was above the law

One of the misconceptions bandied about in the alternative media is that Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan claimed in 2007 that the Fed was above the law, as this popular video indicates. Here’s what he actually said: “The Federal Reserve is an independent agency, and that means, basically, that there is no other agency […]