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Watch CNN censor guests for calling them FAKE NEWS on air (VIDEO)

In the battle between fake and real news sources, mainstream media are being badly beaten by alternative news sites like The Duran.
The US establishment invented the term “fake news” in an attempt to discredit any information not coming from its sanctioned outlets like The New York Times, Washington Post, and big TV networks.
But critics have turned the tables, charging the purveyors of the “fake news” narrative with being fake news themselves.

12 countries Americans consider their “greatest enemies”

Needed more evidence as to why Hillary Clinton’s “Russia is out to get me” campaign strategy failed so miserably. Take a look at the chart below.
Hillary Clinton, the Democrat Party, and mainstream media would probably be better served whining about “North Korean aggression” and “North Korean election hacking.” Maybe then the American public will start believing their lies.
READ MORE: Why is Russia ALWAYS seen as the enemy?