
Taking a Trip Through the Magical Mania Tour

Oh, the time I have, putting in application after application, for a job. A job, that’s a double-edged word. What is that job without a jab. Now, one year-plus, perfectly accepted that the restaurant or retail outlet or any manner of “job” can require you to submit to the jab. Make that jabs. This is […]
The post Taking a Trip Through the Magical Mania Tour first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Left-Wing Psychotherapy Cults: Sullivanians from Hedonism to Group Terror

Photo Image:  FilmDaily Orientation My Purpose A few months ago, I wrote an article titled “Political and Spiritual Cults“. My purpose was to show the commonalties among all cults, whether they are political, spiritual or psychological. In this article I want to narrow the focus to discuss a left-wing psychological cult, the Sullivanians, a countercultural […]

From 1980s Neoliberalism to the ‘New Normal’ 

Sold under the pretence of a quest for optimising well-being and ‘happiness’, capitalism thrives on the exploitation of peoples and the environment. What really matters is the strive to maintain viable profit margins. The prevailing economic system demands ever-increasing levels of extraction, production and consumption and needs a certain level of annual GDP growth for […]

Second Stage Terror Wars

We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false. – William Casey, CIA Director, February. 1981 It is well known that the endless U.S. war on terror was overtly launched following the mass murders of September 11, 2001 and the linked anthrax attacks.   The invasion of Afghanistan and the […]
The post Second Stage Terror Wars first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Jerusalem Protests: The Mob “breaking faces” Learned from Israel’s Establishment

Inside the Israeli parliament and out on the streets of Jerusalem, the forces of unapologetic Jewish supremacism are stirring, as a growing section of Israel’s youth tire of the two-faced Jewish nationalism that has held sway in Israel for decades. Last week, Bezalel Smotrich, leader of the far-right Religious Zionism faction, a vital partner if […]

Daily Deluge: Billionaires Rule, The People Lose

In Remembrance- Leni Riefenstahl It would take 1,000 me’s and 1,000 hours in a week for a thousand me’s to keep up with just some of the infamy and horror that is global capitalism. Capitalism’s putrid fuel:  pollution and many millions of collateral damaged souls. War profiteering, mercenary economic war, banking billions while communities retract, […]
The post Daily Deluge: Billionaires Rule, The People Lose first appeared on Dissident Voice.

The Mad Warhorse of Neoliberalism is Galloping Towards Perdition

We are the United States of Amnesia, we learn nothing because we remember nothing. — Gore Vidal, Imperial America: Reflections on the United States of Amnesia, 2004 As Americans drown in debt and atomization, the liberal class applauds the arrival of a post-nation-state neo-feudal order which is devoid of checks and balances, integration, national cohesion, […]

The Big Picture is Ignored in the Covid Debate

What is the “Big Picture” of Covid-19, alias SARS-CoV-2 ?  Is it what we could also call the end-game, or what Aldous Huxley called the “Brave New World” (1932), science-fiction – gradually turning into reality in the form of the UN Agenda 2030 – with the implementing tool of the Bill Gates created Agenda ID2020 […]
The post The Big Picture is Ignored in the Covid Debate first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Lockdowns Wrecked Democracy Around the World

American Institute for Economic Research, March 10, 2021 Lockdowns Wrecked Democracy around the World James Bovard While the number of fatalities attributed to Covid-19 is carefully tracked by governments, few people have recognized how pandemic-spurred crackdowns have devastated democracy around the world. Emergency proclamations have entitled presidents and other government officials to seize vast new […]