
Still Wondering: How Is It That 40% Of Americans Support Trump? And A Corollary: Why Is Biden Still Ahead In The Primary?

When I was beginning my teenage years, I had a girlfriend whose family lived on Avenue Z in Brooklyn, not far from the Trump family housing project, Beach Haven, that Woody Guthrie lived in and wrote a song about. I used to visit her a lot and often saw the Trumps (though, alas, never Woody). They had bad vibes but everyone knew who they were.

Before There Was Bernie, There Was Henry George... In 1886

I'm a lifelong lefty, born and raised in New York and I admit I don't recall having ever heard of Henry George. But the other night I watched the PBS documentary, The Gilded Age, and was struck by how much the movement around this guy reminded me of Bernie.Contrasting fundraisers in Hollywood-- Bernie and Mayo Pete-- last week illustrated the kind of movement that pushed Henry George to the forefront.

People Want Impeachment Hearings, Not Fake Impeachment Hearings

Yesterday, AOC was on CNN talking about impeachment-- or lack thereof. Asked if she was satisfied with the way Pelosi is handling-- or not handling-- this whole mess, she replied, "personally, I am not... I think that an impeachment inquiry is right on our doorstep... If now isn't the time... what is the bar, what is the line that we're waiting to be crossed for an impeachment inquiry, and so far it doesn't seem like there is one...