Fast Track

The Senate shoe drops on Fast Track (and TPP) caption: President Barack Obama wins a victory in the Senate on re-writing the rules of international KenIf you've been following Gaius Publius' coverage of the administration's all-out effort to ram through Congress so-called Fast Track authority, as a prelude to getting the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement (and who knows what all else, for up to six years,

Obama Using Nike to Sell TPP; Does Nike Have Access to TPP Drafts?

In this video, "Gap" is a proxy for the whole industry, including Nike. To learn about the problem with subcontractors, start watching at Gaius PubliusNike is ground zero for "made in Asia" shoe apparel. President Obama is ground zero for "let's send more jobs to Asia and claim the opposite." I'm not sure it benefits either to put the two together.

Alan Grayson: TPP "Would Give Away The Sovereignty Our Founding Fathers Fought For In Exchange For... Nothing"

The Establishment-- the Democratic Party Establishment-- has fallen to new lows. Wall Street growled about cutting DNC, DSCC and DCCC funding because of Elizabeth Warren and BOOM!... Chuck Schumer, the biggest recipient of Wall Street bribes, excluding presidential candidates, in history is on the road to be the new Senate Democratic Leader.

Progressives Are Not Alone — 87% of Republicans Oppose Fast Track

How the Tea Party sees Fast Track (source)by Gaius PubliusIn covering the TPP battle between President Obama and the CEO class on the one side, and most of the rest of the country on the other, I've noted that the Tea Party right is as opposed as the "professional" left. (My own TPP coverage is collected here.)Now comes more evidence of that.