Fast Track

Supporting NAFTA Was the Kiss of Death for Democrats — Why Dems Should Think Twice About Voting for TPP

Ross Perot describes the "giant sucking sound going south." Notice how right he is about all the other evils he describes — how public officials "cash out," for example, or the simple logic of dumping your domestic work force if all you care about is "making money." Notice also that the questioner is a pro–trade agreement Gaius PubliusI'm not sure how the coming vote on Fast Track and TPP in the House will go.

Will Democratic Constituency Groups Finally Start Holding Conservative Democrats In Congress Accountable For Their Bad Votes? Ask Kathleen Rice

I was born in NYC and my parents moved to Nassau County when I was a kid so they could raise me and my sisters in the suburbs. That's a typical story for folks who live in Nassau County today. My folks moved to Valley Stream first and then out to Roosevelt, both of which are in NY-04, the Nassau County district represented by conservative New Dem Kathleen Rice. And Rice, a former Nassau County District Attorney, has a similar story.

Why what are smilingly being passed off as "trade agreements" should strike terror in our hearts

"These are agreements negotiated on behalf of corporations by governments to divide up the ways that money will be made."-- from GP's post yesterday, "Fast Track Will Also Apply toTISA, the 'Scariest Trade Deal Nobody's Talking About' "by KenDo your eyes glaze over when the subject of "trade agreements" -- NAFTA, TPP, PTA, etc. -- comes up?

Fast Track Will Also Apply to TISA, the "Scariest Trade Deal Nobody's Talking About"

An army of lobbyists knocking down the doors of Congress (source; click image for the full effect) by Gaius Publius Fast Track is not just a path to TPP ... it's evil all on its own. There's now another leaked "trade" deal, called TISA, and Fast Track will "fast-track" that one too. Want your municipal water service privatized?

Hoyer Shows His True Colors Again-- Spoiler: Not Blue

Intimates of Nancy Pelosi's say that as much as she wants to retire as Democratic leader, she won't do it while there is a chance Steny Hoyer will get the job. Most House Democrats know that if Hoyer ever becomes Speaker-- God forbid-- all legislation will be filtered through K Street and nothing will ever get done. Hoyer is a Beltway lobbyist favorite.

TPP in the House — So Far, Not Enough Votes

TPP — the "free trade" deal that isn't about freedom and isn't about trade. What is it about? Higher prices, Internet watchdogs, fewer jobs. Watch to learn Gaius PubliusAs you may know, the Fast Track legislation needed to force TPP, the next NAFTA-style trade deal, through the Congress has passed in the Senate. (Fast Track is officially called "Trade Promotion Authority" or TPA.

Can Progressives Stop TPP Fast Track Authorization In The House? Grayson Says We Can If We Work Together

In recent days, you've probably heard the barrage of lies Wall Street's Chuck Schumer has manufactured in his vicious and bitter campaign against Alan Grayson's run for the open Florida Senate seat. Grayson is basically ignoring Schumer and the DSCC and going about his work on behalf of his Florida constituents.