
Thousands of Farmers in India Rise up Against Monsanto

Some have said that India’s Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, arrived at the nation’s pro-GMO position with the help of generous campaign funding from a GMO lobby, but that hasn’t stopped thousands of Indian farmers from demonstrating against Monsanto and their biotech cronies in a massive grassroots movement that shuns anti-farmer practices and genetically modified crop farming.

Photos: How to Produce 6,000 Pounds of Food in Small Spaces

Survivalist communities and preppers all over America have learned that properly tilled land can produce tremendous amounts of food. Well-balanced soil is quite generous and will give back much more than it receives. A few organic seeds, adequate watering, and some rich compost can provide even a novice farmer with a bountiful harvest.

Farmers of the Philippines Say ‘No Way’ to GMO Rice

We all know that biotech likes to spew lies about their products like a fire hydrant left on to overflow into the street. Well talk about genetically modified Golden Rice is no different. Fortunately, farmers from the Philippines are rejecting this environmentally irresponsible crop because, “they have plenty of other solutions for Vitamin A deficiency.”

BIG WIN! El Salvador Farmers Kick Monsanto Out

Farmers from El Salvador make many US biotech farming practices look like the work of a bunch of crazed lunatics. At least in El Salvador they realize the importance of non-GM food and heritage seed saving. After outperforming Monsanto’s biotech seed with record crop yields, they have also now managed a giant defeat of Monsanto by preventing the company from supplying El Salvador with its poison seeds.

New Study: GE Crops DON’T Increase Crop Yields

A new study published by the Environmental Working Group has revealed that biotech’s claims concerning higher crop yields are based on a bunch of hot air.
How’s this high-flying claim made by the Biotechnology Industry organization:

“Agricultural biotechnology continues to increase crop yield and farmer income worldwide while supporting the environment.”

Sustainability on Steroids: Organic Farmer Grosses $100K an Acre

We need GMOs to feed the world like a fish needs dry land. A controversial farmer in California is proving that a veritable bumper crop can be had using new farming methods that don’t require GMO pesticides, herbicides, or even weeding, and require 10 times less water than the average farm. The best part – he earned $100K per acre last season without even harvesting all of his land.