Venezuela Repels Attack On Military Base By Rogue Paramilitaries

Soldiers patrol inside the Paramacay military base in Valencia, Venezuela, Sunday, Aug. 6, 2017. Earlier in the day, troops quickly put down an attack at the army base on Sunday, clashing with a group that said it was out to “re-establish the constitutional order” but was dismissed by officials as a band of civilians working with a deserted lieutenant and a former officer. (AP/Juan Carlos Hernandez)

Venezuelan Military Finds US Army Uniforms In Paramilitary Border Camp

A guest instructor debriefs Latin American students from the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (formerly known as the School of the Americas) after a field training exercise. (U.S. Navy photo)
Venezuela’s Bolivarian National Armed Forces, FANB, dismantled a right-wing paramilitary camp near the Colombian border Tuesday, discovering U.S. army uniforms, among others.