
Largest Hunger Crisis Since Creation of UN Underway As US Hoards Food To Feed Harmful Addiction

The UN notes the world is “facing the largest humanitarian crisis since the creation of the UN … more than 20 million people across four countries face starvation and famine. Without collective and coordinated global efforts, people will simply starve to death. Many more will suffer and die from disease.” One of the reasons scholars like Gary Francione have said[Read More...]

Yellowstone Supervolcano – 10% Chance of Erupting within 80 Years

There is a 10% chance the Yellowstone Supervolcano could blow sometime in the next 80 years; and while that’s a pretty slim chance, the event would devastate humanity.
Experts at the European Science Foundation (ESF) are warning that instances of volcanic eruptions are the highest in 300 years. They fear that a major eruption could kill millions of people and wreak havoc on the planet.

Famine and Government Neglect in Ethiopia

A shadow of fear and panic is creeping through villages in North Eastern, central and Southern Ethiopia, where once again famine stalks the land. The seasonal rains that usually fall between June and September did not arrive, and now, with the ‘dry season’ here the already severe situation can only deteriorate.
According to the UN, Ethiopia “is experiencing its worst drought in 30 years.”  In some areas the poorest, most vulnerable infants are already dying at a rate of two per day.