False Flag Attacks

BRUSSELS TERROR: ‘War in Europe’ or More Manufactured Conveyor-Belt Terrorism…?

This has all become so tiresome and predictable that you could set your watch to it. Apparent terror attack in major Western city, rolling 24-hour news coverage to make sure we know how important this is (“Europe is now at war”), increased climate of fear, division and xenophobia, immediate mass-conditioning hashtags (‘#PrayForBelgium’, ‘#JeSuisBruxelles’, etc), world […]

PARIS ATTACKS Revisited: ‘Eagles of Death Metal’ Frontman Hints at Inside-Job…

There is of course already plenty of evidence and logic to suggest the terrorist attacks in Paris in November last year were a staged, false-flag operation. That likelihood was evident pretty much straight away, within literally an hour or two of the news breaking. The case for Paris having been a stage-managed false-flag operation has […]

Governments have Officially Confessed to Over 50 False-Flag Attacks

Presidents, Prime Ministers, Congressmen, Generals, Spooks, Soldiers and Police ADMIT to False Flag Terror. , There are many documented false flag attacks, where a government carries out a terror attack … and then falsely blames its enemy for political purposes. In the following 53 instances, officials in the government which carried out the attack (or…

Processing Distortion with Peter B. Collins: 13 Questions About San Bernardino Bloodbath

Key points of the official narrative of the December 2 incidents in San Bernardino produce critical questions, or are contradicted by other information. The FBI director and a lawyer for the family of the suspects agree that “a number of things in this case don’t make sense”. But that hasn’t stopped James Comey from using unverified Facebook posts or unproven claims that the couple were “radicalized” before they married to define them as inspired, but not directed by Daesh.

The Graduated Palestinian Genocide

 Most of the neighboring Arab governments are dumb silent in a tacit agreement with Israeli onslaught exposing their Israeli/American collaboration against the Palestinians.   They seem to only finance, train, and arm terrorist groups that attack other pro-Palestinian Arab governments in Lebanon, Syria and Iraq. They don’t understand that their own genocide in on the Zionist agenda after the genocide of Palestinians. 


Update-The Lone Gladio: New Launch Date

After nearly two years of nonstop work I have arrived at the final stage on my book – where things start coming together and the countdown begins. It is still a bit early to take a deep breath or welcome a pat on the back. While the bulk of the work required in finalizing and producing my book is over and done with, there still remain a few steps: the completion of interior design, file conversions, final reviewing of the sample printed copies, website design, and … well, I guess that’s when I’ll welcome that pat on the back.