facial recognition

Facebook Could Start Using Facial Recognition to Verify Who You Are

(ANTIMEDIA)  — While Facebook has quietly been developing its facial recognition software for Aloha, a controversial video chat device set to debut in May 2018, the company is reportedly testing “a facial recognition feature to help secure your account,” according to TheNextWeb’s Matt Navarro, who posted a screenshot of the new feature on Twitter.

FBI Facial Recognition Technology Has ‘No Limits,’ Congressional Hearing Reveals

The FBI’s facial recognition system stores criminal mugshots and citizen ID photos in the same database.
If Congress doesn’t take legislative action, the FBI’s vast and growing facial recognition database could someday soon allow the government to track Americans’ “every move” in a breathtaking, nationwide violation of the Fourth Amendment.
That was the takeaway of a scathing hearing in the Congressional Oversight Committee on the FBI’s use of facial recognition technology last week.