Eyes wide shut

Tin Foil Hat With Sam Tripoli #132: Esoteric Hollywood 2: The Occult – Jay Dyer and Allison Weber

Thank you so much for coming for tuning in for another special episode of Tin Foil Hat with Sam Tripoli. This episode is brought to you by the Ridge Wallet and RigidWallet.com (I had to record the read in a hallway so sorry it sounds so tingy!). Today we welcome author expert Jay Dyer and comedian Allison Weber to discuss the world of Hollywood. Sam’s podcast is here and check out his great videos here.

Black Mirror SJWs, Manosphere Woes, Eyes Wide Shut Elites & Hollywood Illuminati – Jay Dyer on Boiler Room

Tonight on the show the Boiler gang is back, despite technical issues, discussing the case of a young person who believes she has two personalities, two genders and has to choose between them each day upon waking up, the fracturing of the human psyche as a trauma based mind control tactic, Jerry Seinfield at ‘Anti-Terror Fantasy Camp’ in Israel with his family, a scathing review of Netflix’s latest shows and the social messages contained within, a discussion on the often mischaracterized and highly criticized ‘man-o-sphere’ and mens rights advocates, Black Mirror and contemporary future dys