eye infections

Dairy Allergies: Why Do So Many Children Suffer from Them?

Over the past several decades, children have developed dairy allergies at an ever-increasing rate. These persistent allergies have developed into chronic ear infections, sinus infections, eye infections, and the like. What exactly is so different about today’s dairy products compared to those of yesteryear?
The short answer is that dairy farming itself has changed … in a big way.

How Contact Lenses ‘Permanently Alter’ 5,000 Strains of Eye Bacteria

It really is common sense that when you cover the eyes with a synthetic plastic lens, a whole new environment could be created both on and in the eye. The preceding headline indicates just how much the naturally occurring bacterial flora (also known as the eye microbiome) in the eye changes.
With the introduction of contact lenses on top of the eye, the interaction between the plastic material and the eye conjunctiva sets up a much more conducive environment for eye infections to occur.