Extinction Rebellion

Morgoth's Review - Extinction Rebellion, Our Future of Bugs & Pods - Hour 1

Morgoth's Review joins Henrik to talk about the many issues facing the United Kingdom. We begin on the Extinction Rebellion, a new climate weapon the globalists use to get even more money, power and influence. We talk about the promotion of bug eating and pod living. In the second part we discuss demographics, Islamization of England, rise in knife crime, corporate support of milkshake activism and Brexit.
A video version of this show is available here.

The Hypocrisy of the Climate Strikes Across America Exposed as a Leftist Power Grab that Exploits Children

The manifesto for the Youth Climate Strike calls for state-owned banks, single-payer healthcare, affordable housing, expanded rights for sexual minorities and more political goals that have nothing to do with the environment. AOC's adviser admitted the goal of her Green New Deal is to change the economy.

Book review: Quaker Quicks – Why I Am A Pacifist by Tim Gee

Book review: Quaker Quicks – Why I Am A Pacifist by Tim Gee
by Ian Sinclair
Morning Star
14 August 2019

Formed soon after the English Civil War, the Quakers – AKA the Religious Society of Friends – are perhaps best known for their commitment to working for peace.
Over a quick and very readable 60 pages Quaker and activist Tim Gee explores this tradition through the concept of pacifism.