
Bertrand Russell Genocidal Maniac: The Scientific Outlook (Half) – Jay Dyer

My undergraduate and graduate work focused on a large degree of philosophy of science and analytics. Russell is an example of reductionistic, naturalistic determinism and the “evolutionary” process of societies toward a single new world order government where life is regulated from womb to tomb by cybernetics and mass genetic control and experimentation, as well as the extermination of much of the population. Russell was a fraud and a propagandist, not a philosopher.

VID – IDENTIFYING CULTS & FALSE TEACHERS (Judges 17-18) – Jay Dyer (Half)

American Churchianity is a giant atheism factory. This is a preview clip of a full talk based on instructive wisdom from the Book of Judges we see perennial marks of a false church. In contrast, we will discuss the true Church and its marks and how I wound up where I did after 20 years of searching and research. For the full talk subscribe below.
Stream or download audio here

A Clockwork Orange & MK Ultra – Jay Dyer’s Analysis

Purchase my book here.
By: Jay Dyer
Stanley Kubrick’s adaptation of Anthony Burgess’ dystopian novel A Clockwork Orange was definitely due for a full treatment – a full Ludovico Treatment!  I last watched the film some six or seven years ago and, while I knew there were obvious “MK Ultra” themes, there was much I missed.  The same happens with literature too, depending on the phase and time in your life.  Being much more grounded these years later, I am surprised at how much I missed (isn’t that always the case?).

Spirit Cooking the Election Books: Clinton, Trump & Rosemary’s Baby (Vid)

Jamie Hanshaw, author of Operation Culture Creation and Hollywood Mind Control joins me to cover Wikileaks, Spirit Cooking, Abramovic, Hollywood elites, email scandals, cannibalism and two films of import: Poltergeist and Rosemary’s Baby.  We also cover the Manchurian Candidate, MK ULTRA, sex slaves and the Tim Leary-CIA “counter-culture.”

Trump, Clinton Leaks, Soros & Syria – Jay Dyer on Red Ice

Jay Dyer is a public speaker, lecturer, comedian and author of Esoteric Hollywood: Sex, Cults and Symbols in Film, as well as the host of the JaysAnalysis Podcast/Esoteric Hollywood. He is also a regular contributor to 21stCenturyWire, Soul of the East and the Espionage History Archive. Jay’s work covers a wide variety of subjects, including metaphysics, film analysis, theology, geopolitics, literature, and history.

CrossTalk: ‘White Helmets, Really?’ with Vanessa Beeley, Eva Bartlett & Patrick Henningsen

21st Century Wire says…
They were tipped for a Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo today, but despite the multi-million dollar PR campaign run 24/7 through US and UK media outlets over the last month, the western-funded ‘NGO’ known as The White Helmets came up short. 
On the eve of the award ceremony in Norway, CrossTalk host Peter Lavelle posed a fundamental question:

From 9/11 to Syria: Jay Dyer, Shawn Helton, Tom Duggan on Sunday Wire

Stream or download the show here

Episode #152 of SUNDAY WIRE SHOW resumes this Sunday September 11, 2016 as host Patrick Henningsen broadcasts a 4 HOUR SPECIAL of LIVE power-packed talk radio on ACR…
SUNDAYS – 5pm-8pm UK Time | 12pm-3pm ET (US) | 9am-12pm PT (US)