
Here’s WHY Everything is CRAZY BONKERS!

In this news roundup I give the larger techno context to the seemingly bizarre and unrelated stories being pushed in the media. Cecil? Harambe? Lions with carunka?? Veganism and diet? What about the problems of pollution and the Changing Images of Man, and the First Global R3volution document? I give you the larger context, as well as a free of charge Gill Bates Ted Talk original.

ELITE AT DAVOS: Americanism & The False Libertarian Dialectic – Jay Dyer (Half)

My analysis from two years ago has proven accurate! In our post-modern world, two contradictory presuppositions dominate: total and all-encompassing relativism and extreme mathematical quantification in terms of technological dominance. Globalism itself is the clearest manifestation of this double-think, with Trump as an icon of both. Corporatism, mammonism and relativism all coalesce into a satanic-based world order.

God the Invisible King – HG Wells – Jay Dyer / Jamie Hanshaw (Half)

We continue the globalization books series by analyzing a lesser-known but telling work from master propagandist HG Wells on theology and the coming religious worldview of the new world order.  Wells not only anticipated the developments of the coming dystopia’s governance, but its religion as well.  The full talk will be available to JaysAnalysis subscribers. Live at 8PM CST 


Debate: Jay Dyer Vs Scott Smith – Orthodoxy Vs Gnosticism

I was invited back to Aeon Byte for a debate – this is uploaded with express written permission. Jay Dyer and Scott Smith joined us for a civil but passionate debate. We discussed the Gnostic and Orthodox differences on Theodicy, Biblical Inerrancy, Free Will, Salvation, the nature of Jesus, and much more. Is the world evil or in harmony? Is the Old Testament about a good or evil god? What were the true origins of Christianity? And much more. For some reason, my vaping was as incendiary as the topics.