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The Realist Report – Mike King (Subscribers Only)

On this edition of The Realist Report, I conclude my discussion with Mike King of the informative and hard-hitting website TomatoBubble.com. In this podcast, Mike and I discussed a variety of subjects, including the current geopolitical landscape, Russian President Vladimir Putin, the 2016 American presidential election, Donald Trump, and related matters.
This content is for Lifetime Membership, One Year Subscription and 3 Month Subscription members only. Visit the site and log in/register to access.

The Realist Report – Mike King (Subscribers Only)

On this edition of The Realist Report, I conclude my discuss with Mike King of the informative and hard hitting website TomatoBubble.com. In this podcast, Mike and I discussed a variety of subjects, including the current geopolitical landscape, Russian President Vladimir Putin, the 2016 American presidential election, Donald Trump, and related matters.
This content is for Lifetime Membership, One Year Subscription and 3 Month Subscription members only. Visit the site and log in/register to access.