
First, Do No Harm

Todd Hayen Medical doctors. Ya gotta love ‘em, and ya gotta hate ‘em. From Norman Rockwell’s iconic Saturday Evening Post portrait of the idyllic American doctor, to the Nazi’s rendition of eugenic “medicine” through evil incarnate Josef Mengele. Obvious to say: doctors as a whole are not all bad. But wow, what a history! And …

‘Healthcare’ to Die For: Canada Goes from Assisted Suicide to Insisted Suicide

EUTHANASIA’S SLIPPERY SLOPE POSTED: October 3, 2022 source Is your neighbor’s barking dog making your life intolerably miserable? Do you stay awake at night worrying obsessively that the ingrown toenail you have might just fester badly and spread to your other toes? Do you feel inconsolably depressed because that bag of Doritos you bought yesterday […]