
Ethiopia: Assailed by Terrorists and Betrayed by the West  

As the new government led by Prime-Minister Ahmed Abiy takes office for their second term, the West’s relentless propaganda campaign against Ethiopia continues. Since the Tigray Peoples Liberation Front (TPLF) attacked the Ethiopian State on 4 November 2020 (the day after President Biden was elected coincidentally), the US and allies, factions within UN agencies and […]

Ethiopia: Assailed by Terrorists and Betrayed by the West

As the new government led by Prime-Minister Ahmed Abiy takes office for their second term, the West’s relentless propaganda campaign against Ethiopia continues. Since the Tigray Peoples Liberation Front (TPLF) attacked the Ethiopian State on 4 November 2020 (the day after President Biden was elected coincidentally), the US and allies, factions within UN agencies and human rights organizations have worked[Read More...]

How the US enabled Ethiopia’s bloodletting, training its military while playing innocent observer

The Biden administration has sanctioned Eritrea and Ethiopia for alleged crimes against the Tigray people. But over the last three decades, successive US governments trained and modernized Ethiopia’s military under the cover of “peacekeeping” operations. The World Food Program reported in October that 7 million Ethiopians across three northern states — Afar, Amhara, and Tigray — risk starvation, more than 5 million of whom are in Tigray, a region that borders Eritrea and consists of 7 million Ethiopians. The governments […]

Ethiopia: TPLF Terrorism Expands, Civilians Massacred

As the armed conflict between Ethiopia and the Tigray Peoples Liberation Front (TPLF) enters a new phase, Ethiopians are uniting against their common enemy. The TPLF is not a group of freedom fighters standing up for the downtrodden; they are a terrorist insurgent force waging a war against a sovereign state. Murdering, raping, destroying property […]

In Somalia, the US is bombing the very ‘terrorists’ it created

US and British meddling transformed Somalia’s al-Shabaab into an extremist group, inflaming the humanitarian crisis that persists throughout the country. This July, the Biden administration picked up where Trump left off and began bombing Somalia, a country with a gross domestic product of less than $6 billion and a poverty rate of 70 percent. But why? The official reason provided by the Pentagon was that the Somali National Army needed air support in its operations to counter al-Shabaab. But the […]

Ethiopian Renaissance Dam: A Unifying Peoples’ Project  

With a population of 118 million (expected to top 200 million by the end of 2049) Ethiopia is the second most populous country in Africa. 70% (c.80 million) are under thirty, the median age being just 20. The majority of people live in rural areas where infrastructure is poor or non-existent: around 67 million are […]
The post Ethiopian Renaissance Dam: A Unifying Peoples’ Project   first appeared on Dissident Voice.

“Stop Interfering”: Ethiopia’s Opportunity After the Election

Despite ongoing violence in the northern region of Tigray, persistent attempts to de-rail the process and cries of catastrophe by western powers (most notably the US) and mainstream media, on the 21 June Ethiopia conducted its first ever democratic elections. The mechanics of the election were not perfect, but crucially there were no reports of […]

Africa’s Role Model; Eritrea’s 30 Years of Independence

Africa’s role model, Eritrea, located on the Red Sea will mark 30 years of independence this coming Monday, May 24. When a rag tag band of afro coiffed Eritrean rebels drove captured Ethiopian tanks into the streets of our capital Asmara thirty years ago it marked the first successful armed struggle for national liberation on the continent. Others had fought[Read More...]

Horn of Africa: Poor News Analyses Undermines Potential for Understanding

The Tigray People’s Liberation Front’s (TPLF) launch of a massive attack on the Ethiopian Northern Command in early November last year has entailed considerable humanitarian ramifications, even if the worst case scenario has been avoided through swift and effective countermeasures that have thwarted its sinister designs. Prevailing challenges must indeed be gauged against the intractable quagmire that would have enveloped[Read More...]