
The Baltic States Never Stop Their War Preparations Against Russia

The hue and cry over the possibility of a Russian attack on the Baltic states has grown all out of proportion. NATO is using its “Russian boogeyman” campaign to boost its military presence in the region. With Moscow accused of harboring evil plans, a robust military infrastructure is emerging in the immediate proximity of Russia’s borders. The US footprint is huge.

“Serious Incident” NATO Jet Accidentally Launches Missile Near Russia

(ZHE) — Estonia’s defense minister has halted a NATO war exercise in Estonia pending an investigation after a fighter jet deployed in northeast Europe accidentally fired a secret missile during training. Authorities are now searching for the rocket, which was shot over the Baltic country’s airspace by a Spanish fighter jet this week near the Russian border. Minister of Defense […]

Baltic states seek energy independence from Russia by 2025

The Baltic states have come to an agreement with the EU Commission on a plan to desynchronize the Baltic power network from Russia at a meeting which took place on the sidelines of the European Council Summit this past week in Brussels. They envision the laying of further power lines in an under sea route through the Baltic.
Euractiv reports:

The Great Negotiator, Fresh From His Catastrophic North Korea Tomfoolery, Is About To Uproot 7 Decades Of U.S. Policy In Europe

Estonia is a tiny little country on the Baltic Sea. It covers 17,462 square miles, slightly larger than Massachusetts-- about the size of New Jersey, Connecticut and Delaware combined. The population is 1,319,133, about the same as Maine. It's a digitally advanced country with universal healthcare, very high education levels and, for that matter, free education.

Nine countries agree to the formation of a European defense force

Nine European countries are set to put the finishing touches on the creation of a new European military organization. The new European military force has enjoyed significant support from Germany and France and is presently looking at becoming a reality. The military organization is to realize the participation of France, Germany, Britain, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Estonia.

Estonia demands US boots on the ground, and Patriot missiles to deter ‘Russian aggression’

As Poland strikes a $4.75 billion arms deal with America, Estonia is getting jealous, and wants their own toys to match. But, for Estonia, missiles aren’t enough. While Estonia already has a group of French, Dutch, and British troops, they also want to play to host to advanced aircraft as well as a permanent rotation of American troops, of course, to match Poland’s stationing of US troops as part of its “enhanced forward presence” initiative.