espionage act

The Intercept’s Source Burning Problem

Reality Winner, shown here in her booking photo, is being held by federal authorities at the Lincoln County, Ga. jail after leaking NSA documents to a reporter at The Intercept,, June 7, 2017 (Lincoln County (Ga.) Sheriff’s Office via AP)
Long having built its reputation on reports derived from classified information provided to them by leakers, The Intercept now finds itself in the unpleasant position of having burned – or outed – one of its anonymous sources.

Snowden Comes To Defense Of Jailed NSA Contractor Reality Winner

NSA contractor Reality Leigh Winner, has been charged by the Justice Department for sending classified material to The Intercept. (Photo: Instagram)
A day after her arrest was announced publicly by the U.S. Justice Department, Reality Winner, the 25-year-old alleged source of a leaked National Security Agency document detailing Russian hacking efforts, has found a vocal ally in the world’s best known whistleblower of the contemporary era: Edward Snowden.

The Swedish and British case against Julian Assange grossly abuses his human rights and basic principles of justice

Back in November 2016 the Swedish prosecutor leading the investigation into the rape allegations against Julian Assange finally did what she had spent years refusing to do, which is have Assange questioned about the allegations in Britain, in fact in the place where he has been given asylum, which is the Ecuadorian embassy.

Assange, Manning and Snowden: Standing up for the Conscience of Truthtellers

Last week, Oliver Stone’s biopic “Snowden” hit the theaters. The film illuminates the life of Edward Snowden between 2004 and 2013, aiming to humanize one of the most wanted men in the world. Just before its release, a public campaign was launched urging President Obama to pardon this renowned NSA whistleblower.

If David Petraeus is actually charged, all of DC will finally find out how incredibly unjust the Espionage Act is

By Trevor Timm | Freedom of the Press Foundation | January 9, 2015 In a surprising development, the New York Times reported late Friday that the FBI and Justice Department have recommended felony charges against ex-CIA director David Petraeus for leaking classified information to his former biographer and mistress Paula Broadwell. While the Times does […]