erik prince

Blackwater founder “4,000 troops will make no difference” in Afghanistan, as Taliban “is winning” war (Video)

Erik Prince is a former U.S. Navy SEAL, best known for founding the government services and security company Blackwater USA, now known as Academi.
Speaking to Tucker Carlson before the US POTUS’ Afghanistan speech…Prince outlined that the President’s goal should be to “deny terror sanctuary and leave”, noting that the US has been in Afghanistan for 16 years and has spent over one trillion USD, now adopting the “Soviet Union’s battle plan.”
Prince, who was recently in Afghanistan describe the present day situation as “much less stable” than in 2002.

Judges Tosses Murder Conviction Of Blackwater Mercenary Who Killed 14 Unarmed Civilians

An Iraqi traffic policeman inspecting a car destroyed by a Blackwater security detail in al-Nisoor Square in Baghdad, Iraq.
A federal appeals court on Friday threw out lengthy prison sentences of three former operatives for private mercenary firm Blackwater Worldwide—and ordered a retrial for a fourth operative who had received a life sentence—for their roles in the notorious 2007 Nisour Square massacre in Baghdad, which left 14 unarmed Iraqis dead and another 17 wounded.

Porkins Policy Radio episode 101 The Russians Are Coming with JP Sottile and Robbie Martin

In the first hour I am joined by JP Sottile of News Vandal for an in-depth conversation on the growing scandal involving Donald Trump Jr. We begin by touching on the latest person to have been in the infamous meeting, Ike Kaveladze, and his connection to a 2000 Congressional investigation into Russian money laundering operations. JP and I go beyond the headlines and try to decipher what this meeting might have actually been about. We offer up a more straight forward narrative that this was a meeting about corruption and payoffs.