erik prince

Private Armies, the ‘Prince’ of Peace & the New World Order Rabbit-Hole…

You know, sometimes you start out with a simple question. And you start exploring for possible answers to that question; only to end up falling down a deeper rabbit-hole than you had expected. Then you just end up with more questions. A lot of coverage was given to Donald Trump’s decision apparently to announce withdrawal […]

‘He Belongs in the Hague’: MSNBC Slammed for Handing Erik Prince Megaphone to Sell War

(CD) — Amid reports that President Donald Trump is “showing renewed interest” in Blackwater founder Erik Prince’s plan to hand the war in Afghanistan over to a private army led by an “American viceroy,” MSNBC on Friday happily gave the notorious war profiteer a cushy platform to make his nonsensical and dangerous pitch to the president almost entirely unchallenged. “Shame on MSNBC for giving Erik […]

TransResister Radio ep 190 Pearse Redmond interview, Casual Friday Night Conspiracy Gossip Hour and a Half

Friend of the show, Pearse Redmond, returns for a fun and casual conversation about a myriad of conspiracy related topics. From Les Wexner and Jeffrey Epstein to Transcendental Meditation to Danny Casolaro. Listeners will be sure to enjoy this episode

 Blackwater Founder Erik Prince On “Shithole Countries”

The news cycle these days moves fast and furious, especially when it comes to our esteemed President Donald Trump.  The reader may remember that a few days back Trump referred to parts of the planet as peopled by “shithole countries,” including Haiti and all of Africa, among other places.  Trump was greeted with nearly unanimous, bipartisan condemnation for his blatant[Read More...]

CIA, Media & The Mind-Controlled Opposition

In this edition of Probable Cause Newsbud Founder and Editor Sibel Edmonds is joined by Douglas Valentine, author of several non-fiction books, one novel, and one volume of poetry. He has lectured and appeared on TV and radio talk shows, testified as an expert witness, served as a documentary film consultant and worked as a private investigator. His most recent book is The CIA as Organized Crime: How Illegal Operations Corrupt America and the World.  Edmonds and Valentine discuss the influence and operations of the CIA abroad and domestically, while controlling the Media.