Erica Kious

Limbaugh: Pelosi’s attack on eSalon owner example of Liberals always on offense

Rush Limbaugh is pretty much the King of accurate analysis of liberal political figures. Like many others, he followed the new debacle around Nancy Pelosi – let’s call this one “HairGate”, shall we? As many readers already know, Nancy Pelosi went to an eSalon facility in San Francisco to get her hair washed and get it blow-dried. The salon was closed under COVID-19 regulations set in place by Nancy Pelosi’s nephew, California Governor Gavin Newsom (former mayor of San Francisco).

Queen Pelosi’s hairstyling visit, Part II: The Queen strikes back [Video]

Leave it to Nancy Pelosi to cast weird and crazy all about her these days. Tucker Carlson interviewed Erica Kious, the owner of the San Francisco eSalon, which got a visit by the most powerful Democrat on earth, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelose. She visited the salon for a wash and blow-dry, the same as any client might, only… the salon has been closed since March because of COVID-19 lockdowns in San Francisco and California over all, and the owner is confronting the likelihood of losing her business due to the draconian levels of the shutdown, unequalled anywhere in the nation.

“Okay for me…” – Nancy Pelosi gets hairdo in locked-down Salon [Video]

Marie Antoinette continues to inspire liberals, snobs and elitists everywhere. In the most recent display of “I can do what I want because I am rich and powerful… and you cannot!”, Democrat Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi decided that she wanted a wash and blow-dry service done at eSalon in San Francisco. The salon was closed due to the draconian COVID-19 restrictions set in place by the Emperor — oops — Governor of California, His Least Exalted Poobaness Gavin Newsom.