Eric Levitz

Destroying The Democratic Party Brand-- And Agenda... Meet The Filthy, Corrupt Blue Dogs

Bernie vs Establishment by Nancy OhanianI don't know how to get people I don't know off my Facebook "friends" list without going through all 5,000 names and deleting people I don't know. More than 90% of what I use Facebook for is to provide links for my DWT posts. Lately I've been getting a lot of comments like this: "Jesus Fucking Christ....I do not care who the Dem candidate is!

2020 Is Shaping Up Well For Democrats, Primarily Because Republicans, Led By Trump, Are Screwing The Pooch

There are some Trump supporters who will NEVER abandon himKyle Kondik, managing editor of Sabato's Crystal Ball, had some good news for House Democrats yesterday: their average generic ballot edge over Republicans is as strong as it was last cycle, when they netted over 40 seats.

Trump's Proposal Was Radical-- AOC And Elizabeth Warren Are Reformers

I wish that crazy Trump would just settle down and go spend his days playing golf again so AOC could get Congress working on a sensible agenda. You know who's work I'm really enjoying? Eric Levitz at New York Magazine. Once a poetry lecturer at Johns Hopkins, this guy has been writing excellent essays on the nexus of where politics meets the world of finance.

Is A 70% Tax Rate On Incomes Beyond A Million Dollars Enough? Why Not Back To 90 Where It Used To Be Before 1963?

The weekend Paul Krugman was on fire after Republicans cluelessly went on the warpath against Alexandria Cortez again, this time because of her 60 Minutes tax hike for the rich proposal. His NY Times column, The Economics of Soaking the Rich, started by asking "What does Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez know about tax policy?" and then answering... "A lot."