
Why Worse Wildfires? Part 1

What’s Natural? By Jim Steele | Watts Up With That? | November 23, 2019 There are several theories trying to explain the recent uptick in wildfires throughout the western USA. Some scientists blame increased human ignitions. Others suggest accumulating surface fuels due to a century of fire suppression. Others argue landscape changes and invasive grasses […]

Norway Opens Up for Nuclear-Powered Allied Submarines’ Port Calls Despite Local Resistance

Sputnik – 08.11.2019 According to local media, the presence of international submarines in Norwegian waters has tripled. In 2018 alone, 27 port calls by US and UK nuclear-powered submarines were registered in Norway. Soon, nuclear-powered submarines will become commonplace near the centre of Norway’s largest Arctic city of Tromso, Norwegian Defence Minister Frank Bakke-Jensen confirmed […]

Patriarch Bartholomew adds new commandments – about water

Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople has not had a good few years. He has aroused disapproval, if not outright ire, from the Churches in almost every Orthodox Christian jurisdiction in the world. Even the Church of Greece took almost one year to accept his action regarding the “establishment” of a Ukrainian independent Church (that is not really independent, but under Patriarch Bartholomew’s jurisdiction). He has long been known for his euphemistic title “the Green Patriarch” because of his stance on environmental issues.

‘Ideal’ science-based sustainable diet too expensive for every 5th person on Earth – study

RT | November 8, 2019 A scientifically “ideal” diet designed for maximum nutrition and environmental sustainability would be unaffordable for over 20 percent of the world’s population, a new study found. Published in the Lancet journal in January, the specially tailored “planetary diet” was created with not only health but the environment in mind, looking […]

Five Years On, Saudi Attacks on Yemen’s Farmers Are Pushing the Whole Country into Famine

By Ahmed AbdulKareem | MintPress News | November 1, 2019 HODEIDA, YEMEN — The country of Yemen, known in the medieval period as “Green Yemen,” is one of the most extensively terraced areas of the world. There, Yemeni farmers transformed rugged mountain slopes into terraces and built dams like the Great Marib, a structure whose […]

E. Michael Jones - The Religion of Greta Thunberg

E. Michael Jones joins Henrik to talk about Greta Thunberg, her family, backstory, connections and inorganic rise to fame.
A video version of this show is available here.
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Thierry Durolle - France: Muslim Convert Kills 4 Paris Cops, Jailed For Sharing Video & Rouen Chemical Fire - Hour 1

Thierry Durolle joins Henrik from France to talk about some of the latest news. Four police officers were killed by a deaf radicalized muslim cop in Paris and Alain Soral is facing jail for 2 years for sharing an anti-Rothschild rap video. In the second part we talk about a massive chemical fire at a chemical plant in Rouen, which is causing strange health effects among local residents. We will also discuss the phony globalist endorsed environmental movement and the migrant encampments in Paris that is leaving the streets unsafe and full of trash.