
A Prayer from a Science Fundamentalist in Kerala

Oh God of Science and Reason Protect us from these activists We are only performing our missionary role To promote scientific thinking Even if the entire world bans Endosulfan Our bishops and priests of science have said that it is necessary Even if the whole world goes back on nuclear energy Our bishops and priests of science have said that[Read More...]

Study Links Bangladeshi Children’s Deaths To Pesticide

A “Do Not Enter” sign marks a field of head cabbage during the spraying of pesticides near Chualar, Calif., Sept. 16, 2002. (AP/Mike Fiala)
The sudden deaths of 13 children in a remote village in Bangladesh was caused by exposure to a routinely used pesticide applied in a nearby lychee tree orchard, according to a scientific report released Monday.
The study published in American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene shed light on a mystery occurring in 2012, where 13 children all died of swelling of the brain called acute encephalitis syndrome.