end times

What We All Missed in X-Files Spinoff ‘Millennium’ (1996-1999)

By: Jay Dyer Millennium is one of the two X-files spin offs, and while it actually ran for 2 seasons, it’s less known than the Lone Gunmen.  When we originally meet FBI consultant Frank Black, Mulder and Scully are seeking Frank’s insights on a killer who is part of a schismatic faction of the enigmatic […]
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Top 10 or 3 Ways the World Ends with Jay Dyer ROASTED

Tonight we chill and examine the news and speculate on happy topics like the end of the world.  What are the likely ways the end comes?  Will there be blood moons?  Blood moon pies?  Will there be th0ts?  Will there be Shoneys Big Boys?  Will I still use my bodily functions?  Will we still be have our Bitcoin? We’ll also cover some forgotten films and I’ll read the best roasts of me from twitter and elsewhere.

Antichrist Explained – Jay Dyer

In this video I give a primer on the figure of the antichrist and attempt to dispel the sensationalism and Hollywood picture of this real figure. I cover the biblical types and symbols, including the significance of 666 as it relates to St. John’s valid use of gematria. Far from the nonsense of evangelical hysteria, Matthew 24 and Luke 21 provide keys to understanding the immediate historical context of the Apocalypse as Nero and 70 AD, while also having a future, mirrored sense.

Annihilation (2018) Fully Decoded – Jay Dyer

The 2018 film by Alex Garland bears remarkable similarity to his previous film Sunshine from a decade ago, where a team of scientists attempts to re-ignite the sun. Here, a team of scientists and specialists investigates a mysterious “shimmer” that has appeared near a state park where previous teams have disappeared. The film has generated much speculation, with comparisons to Kubrick: I will take you deep into the film’s symbolism and mythological context.

THEY Are Throwing IT in Our FACE! – New Jay Dyer Mini-Doc

Programming and entrainment through mass public ceremonies is not new, but could have even achieved in such a degraded form in our day through decades of planning, as well as the planned counter-culture revolution of the 1960s. These decades prepared us for a new AEON, now being ushered in through greater and greater levels of degradation. Mass public ritual ceremonies are one of the chief ways we are initiated into this spiritual state: From the Beatles to Ariana Grande, we are being indoctrinated.

Daniel Predicts the Time of Christ (Half)

Many requested a companion talk to the Daniel article. Here, we investigate how we have a unique philosophy of history and how evangelicalism is incorrect. Many prophetic texts are already fulfilled and specifically referred to the time of the First Advent of Christ and the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD. In the second hour we discuss the specifics of Daniel and how he predicts Christmas!

Bird Box (2018) Meaning Explained – JaysAnalysis

Wine moms of the demonic apocalypse. All Ive seen in my feed lately is a host of discussion and video analysis of this film, so I thought I’d give it a run. I think the film was mediocre and proposed a few interesting ideas, but ultimately was another version of Shyamalamadingdong’s Happening with – blindfolds (Masonic?). Be sure to like and share and subscribe!