
A Careless Bully at the KFC at the End of Empire

Will Trump go to war with the Iranians or the homeless? Or both?
Trump is a coward. The nation of Iran has the means and the will to fight. Do you recall the will displayed by Iranians when repelling foreign invaders when Iraq attempted to invade Iran as a de facto US proxy force? Conversely, the homeless do not possess any defence against assault by the agents of the US police state.

Porkins Policy Radio 195 JP Sottile on Empire and Climate change & Jon Gold on Bill Barr and 9/11 justice

This week JP Sottile joined me for the first hour to discuss the climate catastrophe. We started out by discussing how many people, including myself, have long ignored this issue. We talked about how daunting and overwhelming the crisis is, and how this has led many to feel as though they can’t do anything to […]

Bodies on The Ground And The Rise And Rise Of The Economic Elite

The US is less of a nation than a collective, psychotic episode.
Within day to day life in the nation, a cultural aura exists that shifts, mingles, and merges between a sense of nervous agitation and displaced rage, in combination with a sense of weightlessness. The fragmented quality of daily life imparts an insubstantial, unreal quality wherein the citizenry of the capitalist/consumer empire of hungry ghosts drift through a nadascape comprised of ad hoc, fast-buck-driven, suburban/exburban architecture and the ersatz eros of constant, consumer come-ons.