Empire Power and People with Andrew Gavin Marshall

Empire, Power, and People with Andrew Gavin Marshall- Episode 95

Understanding the Global Political Awakening

Zbigniew Brzezinski has – for years – articulated a concept of what he calls the “global political awakening,” referring to the growing restlessness and political activism of the masses of mankind as representing the central challenge to global power structures. This episode goes over many of Brzezinski’s speeches and writing on the global awakening, and analyzes his [elite] perspective, but also what that means from the other direction, that of the population of the world (the ‘awakened’ or ‘awakening’ masses).

Empire, Power, and People with Andrew Gavin Marshall- Episode 91

Empire of Debt

This episode examines the contours of how debt relates to imperialism in the modern world, noting its recent history from the oil price shocks to the 1980s debt crisis, the implementation of neoliberal reforms, central bank “independence” and the power of financial markets. Debt functions as a means of dependency and discipline, shackling the debtor to the lender, and facilitating the global expansion of Western State-Capitalist Empire.

Listen to the podcast show here (Subscribers only):

